About Us
Hindupratha.com is a portal brought by ABA Enterprise, an India based company formed in 2014.
Our Discovery
Cremation has become an acceptable method of disposal of the remains of the loved ones after death. Many Asian nations such as India and Nepal have been cremating the Human remains by a majority of the people living there. Now other Countries are slowly adopting this method such as United Kingdom since 1968, Canada since 2000,s United States -2016, Finland 2017 and so on.
Post cremation the Ashes need to be disposed off in a very sacrosanct method. World over the common method is immersion in flowing water. In India the ashes called Asthis are immersed in the Holy Rivers. Many countries do not allow the ash disposal in their rivers so scattering in Sea is an option other than burial of the ashes or storing in an urn as a remembrance. For many, human ashes are commonly described as “important,” as “sacred,” and as a vehicle to continue intense and physical relationships with the dead.
Hindupratha took upon itself the task of assisting people all over the world to dispose of the Ashes / Asthis, in a dignified and a respectful manner as a tribute to the deceased. We discovered that most of the people did not know the exact method of immersion or scattering the cremains. Many do not know that the immersion of the ashes in a flowing river is a way to help irrigation, as the phosphorus in human bones is good for agriculture and that is why from ancient times the Hindu religion promoted this form of Disposal of the Asthis. Now the world is catching over but still has reservations about the disposal in their rivers. For them scattering in the Himalayas is a good option.
In India the Holiest of all River Ganga is considered most auspicious to conduct the Final Rites & Rituals post cremation. Hindupratha based its activity in Haridwar the place from where the River Ganga flows into the Plains. The other place of importance is Devprayag a confluence of two rivers from where the River Ganga starts its existence .
Hindupratha has in its ambient a complete team to help all to perform the sacred Ritual called ASTHI VISARJAN / ASH SCATTERING

Our Mission
Hindupratha is a catalyst for bringing in awareness of ancient scientific way of life as adjusted to the modern times.
Part of our mission is to assist Hindus to perform the Post Cremation Hindu Death rituals which Include Asthi Visarjan at Haridwar or Devprayag in Uttarakhand India. . For other faiths we have our support for scattering the ashes in the Himalayas which is another level of satisfaction for the family.
Hindupratha came into existence after the devastating floods of 2013 at Kedarnath shrine in Uttarakhand,India. Thousands died and many unclaimed bodies were found for which organizations like ours helped in giving a decent and a respectable farewell with Rituals performed by dedicated priests. All the cremation Rituals was performed at Rudraprayag and Devprayag , the two confluences of the sacred rivers in the Garhwal Region in India. Post Cremation ashes were scattered in the foothill town of Haridwar. Our interest in religious work became strong and we decided to go deeper into this Service. Not with a profit motive but to run an organization which will generate funds by assisting those who can pay and using the extra funds for giving a decent send off to the poor deceased who have no one.
During this period we saw that the Rituals being performed at Haridwar needed much attention and proper planning specially for the people abroad who come to India but did not know what to do and where to go . Hindupratha team has worked a lot to get Asthi Visarjan / Ash Scattering ceremony, organized.
The significance of Rituals in Hinduism has meanings and they are explained in our website. Anyone who needs detailed information can write to us. We ensure a comfortable and meaningful purpose to all who follow the designated path to Spreading Loved Ones Ashes.
Families and People from all over the world can come personally to India to perform Cremation Scatterings or entrust Hindupratha with the job of getting it done as Virtual Scattering or as we call it a service in ABSENTIA. There is a distance and time constraint for many living all over the world. They do want to carry out their respect for the loved one who has passed away by meaningfully disposing off the Ashes but wonder what to do. Hindupratha steps in and does all which they would have done in such cases. Hindupratha is not only for Hindus. It serves all faiths and has done for a long time. Cremation which is performed by many faiths needs to scatter the cremated remains of their loved ones and for them scattering over the Himalayas is a new service.
Haridwar, Rishikesh and all the way to Devprayag is part of our Himalayan Sojourn for you . If you wish to come personally we look after you . Our service will keep you connected to the departed soul by getting blessings from them for giving a great Farewell.
Come to India and come for Peace and spirituality no matter what faith you believe in. We will make your visit meaningful. If you can’t, we still will make your Religious obligation a chapter for you.